
At Airds High School, we support students holistically so that they can work towards achieving their goals and reach their full potential. Overall wellbeing develops intrinsic motivation, diminishes disciplinary problems, increases academic success, improves school satisfaction, and leads to thriving individuals, communities, and nations. Those who feel better, learn better. Our Wellbeing Program aims to address all the above through individualised and group programs tailored to the student’s needs.
Faculty Information
The Wellbeing Faculty is passionate about promoting the social, emotional, and spiritual growth of students to enhance learning and personal growth. Our individualised data and evidence-based programs cater for two students per session and run for one-hour sessions over five days. The program is adapted on a needs basis and is customised according to identified characteristics of the students. An important focus of this program is to equip students with skills and strategies that can be used in the classroom to improve learning.
Internal group programs, such as Rythm2Recovery, is a therapeutic program recently implemented that utilises fun and engaging rhythmic musical activities to support social and emotional development. This approach has been shown to help increased emotional regulation, improved social connection and reduced levels of anxiety and other elements of psychological distress.
Throughout the year, a variety of external providers are introduced into the school to deliver strategies and techniques that enrich personal development and general wellbeing.
Our Staff
Deputy Principal – Darren Monte
Wellbeing Co-ordinator – Rosinda Alves
Student Learning Support Officer- Nichole Cullen