Other Information
Why are VET qualifications important?
Vocational trianing courses count towards meeting Higher School Certificate requirements. Most VET courses allow you to include a mark in the calculation of your Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR).
Industry identifies the units of competency that must be achieved in each VET course to gain a Vocational Qualification in a national training package.
The Board of Studies issues either a Statement of Attainment or a Certificate listing all units of competency achieved. this is in addition to your HSC qualification. This is why VET courses studied as part of a HSC are known as Dual Accredited.
Information about your course is contained in the syllabus document issued by the Board of Studies and from your school. Refer to http://www.bostes.nsw.edu.au/
How does VET assessment occur?
Assessment does not compare you against other students - it compares each individual against the competence requirements set down by industry.
Teachers will usually organise a number of chances for students to demonstrate a competency. Your may seek further opportunities to demonstrate those competencies, but these need to occur without disruption to the work of other students.
Your competence can only be assessed by a qualified VET teacher and/or an industry qualified assessor.
So what is competence?
Demonstrating competence means that you can perform the task or show an understanding to the level required by the industry standards. When you successfully demonstrate your competence against a particular standard you will be judged as competent. There is no pass/fail, you are either competent or not yet competent.
If you believe that you have not been fairly assessed your have a right of appeal. The school's assessment policy provides full details on how each unit of competency will be assessed and the appeals process.
Consistent attendance and sustained effort at all course activities are essential for gaining the qualification and meeting HSC requirments.
What about Work Placement?
Work placement is compulsory for all VET students. This is a Board of Studies requirement. The minimum hours of work placement vary but, in general, you are required to undertake at least 70 hours of work placement. To ensure that you are ready to undertake workplacement, you must be deemed "Work Ready" by your teacher.
Students who have not completed their Year 11 work placement by early Term 4 may be notified of a BOS ‘N' determination by their school principal. When you complete the outstanding work placement the ‘N' determination can be withdrawn. If you have not completed the work placement requirement you will not have the course recognised by the Board of Studies.
Work placement is organised for you through an organisation known as a Partnership Brokers (PB). Your teacher will provide details of work placement arrangements. The Partnership Brokers is only funded to provide ONE work placement per student per year.
You cannot be paid during work placement. The Department of Education and Training provides insurance coverage for you while you are on workplace learning programs but the insurance cover is not valid for any student who accepts payment. Paid work in an industry related casual job can contribute to meeting your work placement requirement. See your teacher to find out if your current employment is suitable.
Course Costs:
You will have to pay:
Costs of required uniforms and personal protective equipment (PPE). Some schools have hire arrangements for these.
Some or all of the costs of materals used in your training.
Some or all of the course costs for the WH&S Induction Certificate as part of the Construction course.
The costs of work placement travel and meals
What is RPL? RPL stands for Recognition of Prior Learning.
If You…………………………………………..
have had previous work or life experiences,
have already completed all or part of a similar vocational course elsewhere – perhaps at TAFE
………………………….………..you may be eligible for RPL.
You will need to produce evidence – for example, a result notice, certificate or competency record.
Your teacher will assess your skills to ensure they are at industry standard.
Your teacher or the school's VET Coordinator can provide more details about the RPL process.
What about examinations?
In most vocational courses you can choose to undertake a HSC examination in order to count the course towards your Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR). You may be required to undertake exams throughout the course so that your teacher has the "HSC estimate mark" the Board of Studies might require. The final HSC estimate mark will only be used as the HSC exam mark in the advent of a misadventure. This mark will be derived from a minimum of two exams over the Preliminary and HSC years. The weighting of these exams are a total of 100%. This estimate will only be required if you are ill or injured and are unable to sit the formal HSC examination.
What about results and records?
The teacher keeps a record of competencies achieved by each student.
At the end of each school term your teacher will record the units of competency which you have achieved in the electronic Board of Studies record keeping system called eBOS.
HSC students can access their eBOS VET records through the Students Online service at ww.boardofstudies.nsw.edu.au
It is your responsibility to access these records at least twice a year.
Where do you stand?
Your Rights
To be accurately informed by being provided with:
and outline of the course of study I am to undertake;
information about possible employment outcomes from the course of study;
information on how and when I will be assessed in the course;
information about my progress within the course.
To be treated fairly be being:
allowed equal access to a relevant and appropriate course of study;
appropriately supported in my learning and assessment;
able to work, and be assessed, without discrimination.
To have my competencies recognised by being:
able to claim recognition for units of competence achieved with other training providers;
able to claim recognition for competencies that I have already achieved in work or life experiences;
given opportunities to have my competence assessed or reassessed.
To have the opportunity to evaluate my learning experience by being:
encouraged to proved information and opinion on the effectiveness of the training
Your Responsibilities
To be properly prepared by:
coming to all classes, assessment events and work placement properly equipped and dressed.
To respect the rights and property of others by:
not hindering the work of fellow students, teachers or fellow workers through disruptive behaviour or inappropriate conduct;
treating fellow students, teachers and other staff, fellow workers and employers with dignity and respect at all times;
treating the property of fellow students, teachers, employers and the school with care;
working cooperatively with fellow students, and teachers to ensure the health and safety of all.
Extracts from: Public Schools NSW Ultimo RTO 90072 - Jump Ahead Student Booklet 2014
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