Subject Overview Stage 4 and 5
Years 7 – 10
Mathematics in Years 7–10 focuses on developing increasingly sophisticated and refined mathematical understanding, fluency, communication, logical reasoning, analytical thought, and problem-solving skills. These capabilities enable students to respond to familiar and unfamiliar situations by employing strategies to make informed decisions and solve problems relevant to their further education and everyday lives.
The Mathematics Years 7–10 course includes Life Skills outcomes and content for students with disability.
Students develop understanding and fluency in mathematics through inquiry, exploring and connecting mathematical concepts, choosing, and applying problem-solving skills and mathematical techniques, communication, and reasoning.
They study Number and Algebra, Measurement and Geometry, and Statistics and Probability. Within these strands they will cover a range of topic areas including: financial mathematics, algebraic techniques, equations, linear and non-linear relationships, surface area and volume, properties of geometrical figures, trigonometry, data collection and representation, data analysis, and probability.
Senior College Stage 6 HSC Pathways
Mathematics Standard
Mathematics Standard students use mathematics to make informed decisions in their daily lives. Students develop an understanding and competence in mathematics through real-world applications. These skills can be used in a range of concurrent HSC subjects.
Mathematics Standard 1 improves numeracy by building student confidence and making mathematics meaningful. Numerate students can manage situations or solve problems in everyday life, work, or further learning.
In Mathematics Standard 2 students extend their mathematical skills beyond Stage 5 without the in-depth knowledge of higher mathematics that the study of calculus would provide. This course prepares students for a wide range of educational and employment aspirations, including continuing their studies at a tertiary level.
Mathematics Advanced
The Mathematics Advanced course is a calculus-based course focused on developing student awareness of mathematics as a unique and powerful way of viewing the world to investigate order, relation, pattern, uncertainty, and generality. The course provides students with the opportunity to develop ways of thinking in which problems are explored through observation, reflection, and reasoning.
The Mathematics Extension 1 Year 11 course includes the Mathematics Advanced Year 11 course. The Mathematics Extension 1 Year 12 course includes the Mathematics Advanced Year 12 course.
All students studying the Mathematics Advanced course will sit for an HSC examination.
Mathematics Extension 1
Mathematics Extension 1 is focused on enabling students to develop a thorough understanding of and competence in further aspects of mathematics. The course provides opportunities to develop rigorous mathematical arguments and proofs, and to use mathematical models more extensively.
The Mathematics Extension 1 Year 11 course includes the Mathematics Advanced Year 11 course. The Mathematics Extension 1 Year 12 course includes the Mathematics Advanced Year 12 course.
The Mathematics Extension 2 Year 12 course includes the Mathematics Extension 1 Year 12 course, and therefore also the Mathematics Advanced Year 12 course.
All students studying the Mathematics Extension 1 course will sit for an HSC examination.
Mathematics Extension 2
Mathematics Extension 2 provides students with the opportunity to develop strong mathematical manipulative skills and a deep understanding of the fundamental ideas of algebra and calculus, as well as an appreciation of mathematics as an activity with its own intrinsic value, involving invention, intuition and exploration. Mathematics Extension 2 extends students’ conceptual knowledge and understanding through exploration of new areas of mathematics not previously seen.
The Mathematics Extension 2 Year 12 course includes the Mathematics Extension 1 Year 12 course and the Mathematics Advanced Year 12 course.
The Mathematics Advanced, Mathematics Extension 1 and Mathematics Extension 2 Stage 6 courses form a continuum.
All students studying the Mathematics Extension 2 course will sit for an HSC examination.
Mathematics Life Skills
The Mathematics Life Skills Stage 6 course aligns with the rationale, aim and objectives of the Mathematics Standard Stage 6 course. The Life Skills content has been developed from the Mathematics Standard syllabus to provide opportunities for integrated delivery.
The Mathematics Life Skills Stage 6 course focuses on the development of students’ ability to apply mathematics in a variety of contexts to enhance and encourage their participation in post-school contexts.
Students are provided with opportunities to apply mathematical operations to practical situations and develop problem-solving in real-life situations. They develop their practical skills in measurement, calculating with money, statistics and using plans and maps. Students also could explore the concepts of earning and spending money and apply their understanding in a range of financial decision-making contexts.
Study in the Mathematics Life Skills Stage 6 course enhances students’ access to community living, further education, training, and employment.
The Numeracy CEC is a new course focused on the development and consolidation of core numeracy skills. These skills are developed through authentic and relevant learning scenarios such as budgeting, shopping, record and account keeping, and a range of real-life activities requiring numeracy. The course is aligned with the Australian Core Skills Framework (ACSF) Level 3, a nationally agreed level of functional numeracy.