Stage 4 (Years 7 and 8)
Students undertake historical study of a broad range of earlier civilisations from around the world. Units of study include Ancient Egypt, Japan under the Shoguns, the Aztecs and the Vikings. Students select and organise information from primary and secondary sources and use it as evidence to answer inquiry questions. They identify and describe different contexts, perspectives and interpretations of the past. Students create different texts to communicate their understanding of the past and acknowledge their sources of information.
Students undertake geographical inquiry to build knowledge and understanding of people, places and environments. Units of study include Landscapes and Landforms, Place and Liveability, Water in the World, and Global Interconnections. Students learn about contemporary geographical challenges, predict outcomes and propose potential solutions. They participate in fieldwork to collect geographical data and analyse results. Students create different texts to communicate their understanding of both human and natural geographical issues.
Stage 5 (Years 9 and 10)
Students undertake historical study of a range of topics focussing mainly on Australian history. Units of study include Rights and Freedoms, The Atomic Age, Australians at War and Pop Culture. Students will analyse and synthesise information from a range of primary and secondary sources and use it as evidence to answer inquiry questions. Students develop and justify their own interpretations about the past. In developing a variety of texts, they will organise and present their arguments, use historical terms and concepts, identify evidence from sources and reference their sources.
Students undertake geographical inquiry to extend knowledge and understanding about people, places and environments. Units of study include Sustainable Biomes, Changing Places, Environmental Change and Human Wellbeing. Students begin to make informed judgements about our interactions with our environment. They can demonstrate their ability in engaging with contemporary and often controversial issues such as appropriate coastal development, links with near neighbours through migration, trade and defence and the challenges facing Australian communities in the twenty-first century. There is a strong focus on developing students’ skills to become critical thinkers and be able to analyse issues from a variety of perspectives.
Elective History
Elective History aims to stimulate students’ interest in and enjoyment of exploring the past. They develop a critical understanding of the past and will consider different interpretations and perspectives of historical events. Units of study include Crime and Punishment, Heroes and Villains, and The Titanic. Students will develop skills in research and identifying different viewpoints, critical thinking and communicating effectively in a variety of forms. Students select and organise information from primary and secondary sources and use it as evidence to answer inquiry questions.
Commerce enables students to develop knowledge and skills so they can make sound decisions about consumer, financial, legal, business and employment issues. Units of study include Consumer and Financial Decisions, Towards Independence and Travel. Students develop the ability to research information, apply problem-solving strategies and evaluate options to make informed and responsible decisions as individuals and as part of the community.
Work Education
Work Education aims to help students develop their knowledge, skills and attitudes about the modern workplace. Students learn about a variety of workplaces, developing the necessary employability skills and personal attributes required for a constantly changing work environment. Units of study include Using Technology in the Workplace, Workplace Safety and Life Transitions. Students will recognise and develop enterprising skills and understand the role these skills can play in the achievement of their future education options and career goals.
Stage 6 (Years 11 and 12)
Ancient History
Ancient History allows students to study past societies drawing on a variety of disciplines and sources both written and archaeological. Students develop their own interpretations of the past alongside those found in secondary texts and how to deal with gaps in the evidence. Units of study include Troy, Ancient Women in Egypt and Greece, Sparta, and the Greek World. Students also develop and apply the research skills and methodologies of the historian. They work as members of groups to conduct historical investigations, explore issues and historical problems using appropriate information technologies. Students develop higher order thinking skills which are necessary for further education, work and everyday life. Studying Ancient History empowers students with the knowledge, understanding, skills and values that are useful for their lifelong learning.
Work Studies
Work Studies is designed to assist students in their transition from school to work. Students will acquire general work-related knowledge, skills and attitudes, transferable across different occupations. They will also develop their skills in accessing work-related information, presenting themselves to potential employers, and functioning effectively in the workplace. Units of study include Preparing for Job Applications, Workplace Communication, Personal Finance and Teamwork Skills. Students will be able to recognise the links between education, training, work and lifestyle, and to recognise the economic and social factors that affect work opportunities. They develop an understanding of the changing nature of work and the implications for individuals and society.